Could This Minimally Invasive Procedure Be a Better Idea Than Lip Fillers?

Lip injections with hyaluronic acid–based fillers (popular options include the Restylane and Juvéderm family of products) have been the gold standard for adding volume to thin lips in 30 minutes. But, lip fillers don’t deliver the same results in everyone, and depending on the outcome you’re looking for, they may not be the answer. If volume is your desired result, fillers are great; if enhanced definition to the lip and Cupids’ bow is what you’re after, New York plastic surgeon Melissa Doft, MD, says a lip thread lift may be a better idea.

“There are many women who are looking for more definition without adding any volume,” explains Dr. Doft. “As women age, the white line around the lip flattens and often has vertical lines running across it. Threads can easily be used to smooth these lines and deliver a more vertical lift rather than an outward projection,” she explains.

Read the full article on the New Beauty website at: Could This Minimally Invasive Procedure Be a Better Idea Than Lip Fillers?

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