When I first started my practice, many male patients came into the office for medically necessary procedures. As time evolved, the fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons of patients have started to question how they too may benefit from visiting a cosmetic surgeon. Although there are many non-invasive modalities to improve your body and tighten your skin, those technologies have not supplanted surgical correction. Most of my male patients are often not interested in something that will only provide a 15% improvement…they want a permanent solution. They seek the best option to improve a problem or a problem area…which is often surgery.
As plastic surgery has become less taboo, more and more men are visiting the office for facelifts, eyelid surgery, necklifts, chin augmentation, otoplasties, rhinoplasties, liposuction or for injectable treatments with Botox or fillers. For some patients, they have been sensitive to the shape of their nose or their prominent ears since childhood. For others, they are tired of looking haggard and hearing jokes about their retirement. For many men, they find that their appearance has a direct impact on their confidence and therefore their career. In fact, 84% of men believe that attractiveness contributes to success and power in their jobs; and 42% stated that improving one aspect of their face would help their career. Over the past decade, there has been a tremendous rise in male plastic surgery procedures. There has to be something to it!