Masks Are Making Us Eye-Obsessed — & Cosmetic Surgeries Are On The Rise

As Manhattan-based plastic surgeon Melissa Doft, MD, explains, the advent of COVID-19 and face-mask mandates, coupled with the fact that many New Yorkers are still working remotely, has caused a remarkable surge in demand for elective procedures, specifically those around the eyes.

“I have honestly never been busier in my entire career,” Dr. Doft tells us. “So many people think late summer is the ‘golden hour’ to finally schedule the cosmetic procedures they’ve been considering in quarantine, which might be just Botox or a slightly more invasive procedure like an eyelid lift. Before COVID, time was always a big factor; people would ask, ‘Well, how much time do I have to take off work?’ Now, with everyone working from home, the downtime that accompanies something like an eyelid lift is a total nonissue.”

Read the full article on the Yahoo website at: Masks Are Making Us Eye-Obsessed — & Cosmetic Surgeries Are On The Rise

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