People Are Paying Up to $10,000 For Plastic Surgery to Look Good in Yoga Pants

“I wear Lululemon leggings all the time, I wear a lot of sports clothing, and that’s really form-fitting,” she said. “It’s also just about feeling good about yourself. I’d had these lumps on my outer thighs, even after exercising and losing weight, that I just wanted to get rid of. Now I’m so happy.”

Her surgeon, Dr. Melissa Doft, has seen a “huge spike in liposuction patients due to leisure wear, as well as the warm weather approaching,” she said.

“As more and more women wear leisure wear not only for the gym, but also around town, they are more conscious of their figures and any bulges. A little extra fat makes a difference when you wear a more fitted dress, skinny jeans or tights.”

Read the full article on the Market Watch website at: People Are Paying Up to $10,000 For Plastic Surgery to Look Good in Yoga Pants

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