Your Guide to Korea’s Latest Lip Injection Technique, the “Lift Edge Filler” Trend

The dermatologists I interviewed aren’t the only ones to mention the prominence of lift edge filler. One of my best friends CJ lives in Seoul, and she even vouched for the trend. “It’s really popular here,” she tells me. “For people who have Resting Bitch Face, it helps soften their look.” Looking happy all the time without moving a muscle is apparently preferred right now.

Turns out, you can get it done in the U.S., too. Melissa Doft, a plastic surgeon based in New York City, often performs a similar procedure but has never given it a name. She suggests “happy lift” when I ask her about it.

Some of her patients seek it out because they want to balance out the edges of their mouth after getting injections to volumize the center of their lips. Others want a quick way to perk up their maturing lips. “[They] have found that the edge of their lips have fallen due to age and wish to have a little lift as they think their lips appear sad,” she adds.

Read the full article on the Allure website at: Your Guide to Korea’s Latest Lip Injection Technique, the “Lift Edge Filler” Trend

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