Beauty Lessons: The Deal With Dark Circles

Fillers can be another way to make under-eye shadows less dramatic by plumping up hollows around the area. But any fillers or injectables used in the area need to be wielded both carefully and judiciously; because our eyes are home to the face’s most delicate stretch of skin, mistakes reveal themselves very easily. “The key to filler everywhere, but especially around the eyes, is using micro-droplets and very small needles,” says New York–based plastic surgeon Dr. Melissa Doft, who prioritizes how the light hits her patients. “If the light is hitting you in one direction it will cast a shadow, so I’m using filler to make that shadow less dramatic. I inject into the hollows to correct them, but also under the skin to thicken the dermis, plumping fine lines and under-eye crepiness.” The doctor, who relies on hyaluronic acid–based fillers, reports that formulas have improved significantly over the past ten years.

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Beauty Lessons: The Deal With Dark Circles